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Trying NIDORA for the first time

Disclaimer: I'm not a promoter, advertiser or seller of this product. I just want to share my personal experience on using it.

The search for the right diet plan/product is still on and I came across this diet product called NIDORA Weight Loss System.

Why did I try it? Well, the marketing is too promising. Loosing weight without restricting the quantity of any food we consume. Pretty simple right. All you have to do is to sprinkle the product on top of the food you eat whether its salty or sweet. The product could be used to any food that you will eat even drinks.

Payment method is cash on delivery, very convenient to folks who does not have the time to drop by at payment centers or other folks who does not have a credit card (like me). Because they don't want to overspend (like me).

They say that some people have seen effects after 2 to 3 weeks and could loose up to 8lbs. So here is my 2 weeks experience.

Week 1

For the whole week, I use the it to my meal. I get weird looks from people when I use the product most specially at our office. Some ask what is it? They have never seen this diet product before. Then I told them the promising details of this product but no one dared to try it.

Sprinkling the product to my food did not affect the taste of it as promised. It is like eating regularly but still the product is in the food. I never felt hungry or full, it just felt like a normal meal.

On continuous usage, no side effects has happened to me.

Question is... Did I loose some weight in just week 1? Nope, the scale did not move a bit.

Week 2

One of the promises of this product is you will not feel hungry all the time. That you don't have to eat snacks. Well If you are like me, going through a diet program and suddenly you need to extend work hours then you couldn't follow this because you have to eat.

It's okay, you don't have to eat high calorie foods to sustain you. You could have light snacks like nuts, fruit, veggies that is available to you.

On regular days, I still feel hungry. But I don't blame the product. Maybe when you are stressed out at work you just need to eat to make it throughout the day.

Weight Scale check, Yay! I have loose some pounds but its a matter of 2lbs. Not Bad.

Week 3

The final week! Hooray!

This product has a simple Instruction, you should use 1/4 teaspoon and sprinkle it twice a day to your food. But a person is required to eat 3 times a day. So what I did was I use it for lunch and dinner.

You are not allowed to exceed the usage of the product so you should be cautious and have a regular routine so you could get used to it. But then again it is so simple to use and handy.

Ever wonder the results of 3 weeks on my weight. I loose a total of 3 lbs on 3 weeks. Yeah I know, I did not reach the target but hey the product worked.

Final verdict. On a stressful week and work environment. You cannot expect great result from a diet product like this one. You may or you might want to still eat if you are stressed out and that is not a bad thing. But you should still be cautious of what to eat. Avoid chips and eat healthy food.

So will I recommend this product to anyone? Hmmm.. Yes! But please consult your doctor before using it.


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