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What No One Tells You About GM Diet Plan Chart

Before anything else. I would like to confirm that I am not a dietitian, nutritionist, or specialist. I just want to share my experiences based on this diet.

It is near April back in 2016 when our prenuptial shoot is about to take place. I am frustrated about how my body was back then and I need to loose weight. It's seems that going to gym is not enough so when I Came across this diet plan I was in frenzy. The blog says, "How To Lose 8 kgs Weight In 7 days" so I deliberately tried it. Some blog says that you could have flat belly in 7 days but it is both suggested to use GM Diet Plan Chart.

So what's with this diet.

Let me take you to my 7 day journey on accomplishing my Dream Body.

Day 1 is fruit day with no bananas and 8 to 12 glasses of water

Ye hay! it's the first day and I am super excited. It's a good thing that my work is near a super market I got all that I need.

Citrus Fruits, Watermelon, Mango, and water. Yum yum. for the whole day I was full. I love eating fruits and it was an easy diet for me. You can eat any fruit that you want but please do not eat bananas on this day.

Difficulty based on experience: Level 1

Day 2 is vegetable and 8 to 12 glasses of water

If you like veggies then this day is for you, yes I am a fan of vegetables as well but this day was hard for me. We'll maybe because when people says vegetables the first thing that comes to my mind is vegetable salad, raw cucumber, and raw carrots.

If you are not used to this diet you will not survive for the day. So you must know that you could eat cooked veggies as well but please do not use oil. There are varieties of recipe that you could do with veggies. There is Saute Chayote (Ginisang Sayote), this vegetable is fruitful when cooked. Or you could steam Eggplant and Okra then Dip it in Soy sauce and Calamansi if you want to spice things up you could also add siling labuyo. You can also eat potatoes in the morning so that the carbs will be burnt throughout the day.

Difficulty based on experience: Level 3

Day 3 is Fruits and vegetables and 8 to 12 glasses of water

Power Combo!

On this day, you are allowed to eat fruits and vegetable alternately of what ever you want but bananas and potatoes are excluded. I also enjoy this day because of the fruits. Usually you could eat fruits then veggies alone, or you can eat both in one meal. What I did was I eat both veggies and fruits in one meal. My main dish are veggies then fruits for dessert.

Difficulty based on experience: Level 1

Day 4 is Milk, Banana and 8 to 12 glasses of water

Recommendation is 3 glasses of milk and 8 to 10 bananas. About picking the bananas make super sure that it is RIPE or you gonna regret it. Or before doing this diet buy the banana ahead so when day 4 comes it is already ripe. I have experience buying raw bananas and I have to buy another one because I could not eat it. I have divided the bananas to 3 so I could be full for the day. Then one glass of milk per meal. For first timers this diet is so hard. So dont forget to drink water to back up hunger.

Difficulty based on experience: Level 4

Day 5 is Rice, Tomatoes and 12 to 15 glasses of water

Eating one cup of rice with viand for lunch is a great thing. But believe me, eating only tomatoes for the rest of the day is the most difficult. You are required to take six to seven tomatoes and its hard because it producing a lot of uric acid on the body. Again water is the best solution for this so don't forget to drink water.

Difficulty based on experience: Level 5

Day 6 is Rice, Vegetables and 8 to 12 glasses of water

Another Rice with viand for lunch!

Instruction says to eat one cup of rice with viand and stick to vegetable diet for the day. But what kind of viand should you take. I guess you still need to avoid meat and still eat vegetale as your viand.

As the day goes by you might be surprise that the diet becomes easier and easier. You just have to continue to the last part of this diet.

Difficulty based on experience: Level 2

Day 7 is Rice, Vegetables, Fruit Juice and 8 to 12 glasses of water

After surviving in six days. Good news. This is the last day of the diet. If you are trying this while reading, how well do you do? Feeling great? Well, the last day will allow you to eat one cup rice, veggies for viand and fresh fruit juice. You heard it right. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner you could eat rice. Nothing more to say the day is easy and nice and since it's Sunday on my last day, the diet is perfect for family gathering.

Difficulty based on experience: Level 0

So, what happened to me after doing this diet. I am not sure of the effects of this diet if you're lazy to go to the gym. But I use this diet and at the same time I go to the gym. The big question is... Is it effective? Did I loose weight? And the answer is Yes! From 120 lbs to 109 lbs. Did my belly fat Flatten? Uhmmmm.. yeah but I did not achieve my desired body shape. What went wrong? Maybe i focused more on the weight rather than the body shape. But that's another story.

Oh yeah by the way, I did not loose 11 lbs in one week I loose it after one month. If I have recorded my weight loss I could say that I loose approximately 3 lbs a week. That's less than half of the 8 pounds promise. But one thing to take note of in every diet is not all diet works the same to other people. So you might consider consulting a doctor before trying out any diet plan that you have read on the internet.


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